What Causes Down Syndrome? Down syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by varying degrees of intellectual…
What Causes Down Syndrome? Down syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by varying degrees of intellectual…
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects approximately 1 in 700 births worldwide. It is one of the…
This is the story of Abeer. From her birth, her parents noticed she was a bit different from other children. They had no knowledge of Down syndrome…
Salama is a healthy one-year old, but her parents are worried about her development because she’s not doing many things that her older brother did at her age, like playing peek-a-boo and mimicking expressions and gestures. Salama’s mom and dad try to engage her with toys, songs, and games, but nothing they do gets her […]
Hassa, 3 years of age, has been diagnosed with “spastic diplegic cerebral palsy”. She is the third child of first degree consanguineous parents, born by emergency caesarian section due fetal distress at 28 gestational age. Symptoms and History : Hassa’s Apgar scores were 4, 7 and 8 at 1, 5 and 10 minutes respectively and […]