Pediatric Neurodevelopment

Neurodevelopment clinic is a clinic where children with development problem can be assessed and managed. Any child with any kind of developmental issue including development delay, social communication concerns, ect… can be referred to this clinic.


It results in developmental brain dysfunction (which may be manifested as neuropsychiatric disorders in children), impairment or lack of motor functions, or undeveloped language non-verbal communication skills.

 Common Neurodevelopmental Conditions:

  • Delayed development or motor skills, or communication skills
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Dyslexia
  • Mental retardation or intellectual disability
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Conduction disorders
  • Sleeping disorders in children with special needs

What happens in the initial visit with Consultant?

The first visit is a consultation visit. It is one-hour visit during which discussing detailed medical history with parents and physical and neurological examination (noninvasive) conducted.

Following this visit, second visit will be arranged for detailed development assessment and this will take between an hour to an hour and a half. Investigations such as Genetic, brain MRI, blood test, EEG may be requested.

Based on the result of above assessment , further assessment for possible specific disorder such as autism, ADHD or any of other Neurodevelopment conditions may needed other wise management will be planned.

Management: may include medication, specific therapy input such as physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral therapy. Referrals will be made for the specific therapy required.

If you feel that your child would benefit from consultation with our Neurodevelopment clinic. Please contact us at KidsHeart.

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