ODD & ADHD Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management

The parents of a 7-year-old “Rashid”, take him to Dr. Imad Yassin, Consultant Pediatrician and Pediatric Neurologist, because they increasingly concerned about his behavior, not only in school but also at home.

Symptoms and History:

 In the first grade, he has been bored, disruptive, fighting with classmates, and rude to his teacher.

At home he can not sit still and fights with his two older sisters who say that he is spoiled. There were no pregnancy or birth problems and the child is on no medications. He has had all his scheduled vaccination.

His other reports difficulties at home with following routines, and remembering instructions. His parents describe emotional reactivity as well as confrontational behaviors demonstrated both at home and at school.

ODD & ADHD Signs, Diagnosis and Management

Notes of Rashid’s teacher:

Rashid’s teacher notes that Rashid is:

  • Very defiant towards listening to instructions, but generally interacts well with his peers.
  • He is easily frustrated and emotionally impulsive

“Rashid” has had several incidents of hitting, crying outbursts, and inappropriate behavior. Behavioral concerns with aggression, lying, arguments, and disruptive behavior were noted in pre-school program at age 4.

Pediatric Neurologist Procedures:

Dr. Imad Yassin decides more information is required before any treatment is indicated. He wants careful observations of the child both at home and in school.

Dr. Yassin examined the child thoroughly, and found no clues of any neurological deficits or other medical issues, like endocrine disorder or syndromes. “Test of Variables of Attention” (T.O.V.A.) was done and the child scored “-5.2”, which means that he is most probably has “Attention-Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD”. 

Dr. Yassin sent child to the Psychology Department”, for further evaluation.


Eventually “Rashid” was diagnosed with:

  1. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),

  2. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).


Children with ADHD and ODD, can be treated by:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy,:
    • where the child learns to better solve problems and communicate. He or she also learns how to control impulses and anger.
  • Medications.