
Intervention Tools

Intervention Tools: An extensive range of interactive toys and computer-based activities are used along with behavioral and psychotherapeutic treatments designed to reduce psychological distress and maladaptive behavior and to increase adaptive behavior typically through counseling, support, interaction, or instruction. Related Psychology Services topics:

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Children with Determination – Under COVID-19

We were moving quite aggressively on the path of progress and development, moving up on the ladder, seldom looked behind. To be honest, we were never concerned about what could happen or that things could change, and therefore were never ready for a crisis of this magnitude as we thought we were technologically too advanced. […]

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Children and Anxiety

Anxiety in children is a part of normal development as it is one of the best defenses of protection for our existence and development. Anxiety has always helped our ancestors to escape the onslaught of predators. Like everything evolved with time, humans also discovered many other sophisticated ways and means to defend and protect themselves. […]

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Eating Disorder

We all eat to nourish our body and to survive. And this habit of eating is so deeply engrained in humans. More specifically, in developed cultures we rarely take slightest of notice of it, and continue to eat as per schedule or even at times when we are not feeling hungry. Eating is also a […]

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Diagnosis and Management of Autism

Salama is a healthy one-year old, but her parents are worried about her development because she’s not doing many things that her older brother did at her age, like playing peek-a-boo and mimicking expressions and gestures. Salama’s mom and dad try to engage her with toys, songs, and games, but nothing they do gets her […]

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Treatment of Spasticity (Muscular Hypertonicity)

Hassa, 3 years of age, has been diagnosed with “spastic diplegic cerebral palsy”. She is the third child of first degree consanguineous parents, born by emergency caesarian section due fetal distress at 28 gestational age. Symptoms and History : Hassa’s Apgar scores were 4, 7 and 8 at 1, 5 and 10 minutes respectively and […]

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ODD & ADHD Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management

The parents of a 7-year-old “Rashid”, take him to Dr. Imad Yassin, Consultant Pediatrician and Pediatric Neurologist, because they increasingly concerned about his behavior, not only in school but also at home. Symptoms and History:  In the first grade, he has been bored, disruptive, fighting with classmates, and rude to his teacher. At home he […]

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Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management- Part 3

The parents of Ali, a 6-month-old boy, visit Pediatric Neurology Clinic at KidsHeart Medical Center because they are concerned about some strange episodes he has been having over the previous three weeks. The episodes usually occur soon after he has woken but may sometimes happen as he is about to go to sleep. In these […]

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Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management- Part 2

Hamad, a 13-month-old infant, presents to the emergency department of his local hospital in Abu Dhabi with his first prolonged tonic−clonic afebrile seizure. He has experienced three febrile seizures in the past. The first two occurred at eight months of age due to a chest infection. They were prolonged, lasting over 15 minutes, and he […]

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